What is Fate or Chaos?

Fate or Chaos (FoC) is a Table Top RPG (TTRPG) system. If you haven’t played a TTRPG before, you can start by learning about what a TTRPG is.

FoC is in early testing stages (alpha), with ambitions to continue expanding into a flexible and deep ruleset. The game is undergoing extensive playtesting and the web app is under construction.

This system has been built out of a love for the genre and a desire to make both new and oldschool TTRPG players excited to play a game with less set up time and repetitiveness.

Fate or Chaos is built alongside comprehensive digital tools and app based character sheets in mind to make running and playing the game as streamlined and focused as possible.

From the bottom up, this game is designed to work closely with the app, but can still be played on traditional pen and paper. Players and Game Masters can focus more on storytelling and decision-making and less on number crunching and keeping track of small things.

The core rules currently on this site are a barebones version of the ruleset that is slowly being converted over to the site as the game is developed and tweaked.



What makes Fate or Chaos different?

D100 system

Percentile dice are used for skill checks.

Fun Combat Mechanics

A unique blackjack style hit system where risk to reward must be carefully calculated with every attack.

Strictly Defined Magic System

FoC’s core magic systems have well defined rules and limitations.

All Stats Have Important Effects

No Stats left behind. You are less trapped into maxing one or two stats to build an effective character and can make effective use of every stat.

Simple actions and stats system

Moving as much complexity as possible to the digital tools and character sheet, while making sure every stat or skill increase has an immediate effect on your dice rolls.

Loadout Variety and More Complex Weapons

Greater variety of weapon and armour tradeoffs giving the player more intersting choices to make about the loadout they use.